Monday, 23 November 2009

Vintage Porn Lamp

A new release from Jeffrey Michael Design. Commissioned by a very famous hair stylist, this lamp is based on very classy vintage gay pornography sourced from a stall in Camden Market dealing with vintage magazines and ads. Made with overlapping pieces of vintage black and white, the pieces have been carefully selected to contain one or two focal color pieces. At the time most of the magazines were in black and white and were just coming into the market of using color photography mainstream. Several points of contact on the lamp have color leaking through from the image behind giving of a soft glow. The light that emits is a beautiful yellow.

This piece with three others have been selected by Digitaria for a showpiece next Thursday featuring music and fashion by Ada. & .

As well they have decided to sell my pieces becoming my first retail outlet !! Very exciting news for my lighting.

The first test run has been done last Friday at another fashion party in which the vintage lamp was at a focal table, and very well received as pictured below.

1 comment:

  1. I like these, the unperfectness of them works really well
